Status of Applications for 0.15% Adjustment of Marks_09-09-2019

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  • Create Date September 9, 2019
  • Last Updated September 9, 2019

20 thoughts on “Status of Applications for 0.15% Adjustment of Marks_09-09-2019”

  1. Sir I applied for 4 marks on aug 7 and I didn’t get my number in the released lists on sept 9 and aug 22, I should apply for Masters and I need provisional certificate. Please do respond with this

  2. Sir the grace marks for bpharm and btech will be released same time or seperate..??? Because some btech friends applied after my application.they got the grace but I didn’t.

  3. Sir I applied on July 29th, but my no. Is not there in PDF 15K11A0569, pls give me update and release the result fast Sir………..

  4. Sir,
    I have applied grace Mark’s on 22nd July but still not get any update plz update my result my number is 10HN1A0499 plz update asap

  5. Sir I applied on July 22 nd but my number is not there in PDF ,sir please give me update and release the result please sir urgent

    1. Sir I applied on July 22 nd but my number is not there in PDF ,sir please give me update and release the result please sir urgent my no. 14MN1A0121

  6. Sir I applied on June but my number is not there in PDF ,sir please give me update and release the result please sir urgent
    My roll number is :-159H1A0535

  7. And also my 3-1 regular and supply memos didn’t send my college I am also applied for memos but no response I applied in June so please consider my problem and send the memos

  8. Sir I applied grace marks on august19 I didn’t get grace marks on releasing the grace marks list on 09-09-2019 I’m r13 regulation student my roll number is 15DU1R0053 plz respond me sir thank you

  9. I applied for grace marks on june 21th …still i didn’t get the number in the list plzz respond sir….my num is 15A31A0299

  10. When u will update grace marks list sir… I applied on July 29th till now I didn’t got my number in the list. I have to attend interviews sirr. So please update the list fast.

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