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- Create Date October 21, 2016
- Last Updated October 21, 2016
Jntuk III B.Tech/B.Pharmacy I Semester Regular/Supplementary Examination Centres List Oct/Nov-2016.
Krishna District Jumbling Examination Centres List Downlload.
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hi sir,
i am preceding b.tech final year at gandhiji institute of science and technology, ours collage center is not there in the given list. please check it.
please contact at your college office room.
where is usharama college
near gannavaram and gannavaram to 5to 6 km
Thank you sir
hi sir,
I am study b.tech third year at Nova college of engineering and technology, my college students alloted in two colleges.
Gdmm college & amrith Sai college.
We don’t have clarity regarding which Branch students allotment gdmm & amrith Sai college.
Please clarify my doubt.
branch wise centres list will be update soon.
Plz replay sir
Sir is there any chance for postponement of exams