Status of Applications for 0.15% Adjustment of Marks 15-02-2020

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  • Create Date February 15, 2020
  • Last Updated February 15, 2020

20 thoughts on “Status of Applications for 0.15% Adjustment of Marks 15-02-2020”

  1. Sir,
    I am from R13 regulation batch Roll Number 153J1A0404 i have applied for adding 4 marks based on grace marks on 09-01-2020 for one subject i.e signals and systems(RT21044)in which i got internal 19marks and external 20 marks.
    But in the result list my number is not there.
    I not able to understand what happened can you please about my problem.

  2. Sir, I submitted my memos for grace marks on number 15W65A0315 but my number has not been in the list you provided but why?

    1. If there are two subjects for adding then its 9 marks or else if there is only one subject then u can apply for 8 marks only

  3. i have applied grace marks for two subjects on 29th January 2020 but my n.o is not there in the list will u ppl please tell me why.?

  4. Sir I applied for grace marks on 27/01/2020 in recently updated list my num is not in the list my roll num is 15kn1a0350 please send me updated to my roll num

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